Saturday 28 February 2015

Crazy for Cocoa

Honestly. This post will make you coo coo crazy for coco puffs. In one of my weight-loss challenge groups we have an assignment called "Shakeo-saturday" where we share our favourite recipes for making our superfood shakes (HOLLA TO THE LADIES IN MY NEW YEAR NEW YOU GROUP!) And the more I thought about it the more it dawned on me.... I'm actually ADDICTED to garbage drannkksss. And when I say that, I don't mean they are ACTUAL garbage. Like, shits delicious!!!!

And I'm not even a huge pop drinker and have even done well at cutting out booze (though I do still enjoy my Friday night beer/ sunday night wine!) But, especially in this FRIGID weather, I often reach for sugary comforting warm drinks. I remember there was a time where me and my two girlfriends from work would literally go to Starbucks three times a week to get our fix, stalk celebrities, and bitch about stuff. HELLO!? Waste of money and Waist line EXPANSION!!!? NOT COOL. 

So, my lovely fit family, I decided LAST WEEK that it was time for me to break my hot chocolate addiction, even in this deep freeze and opt for a healthier choice, while still getting my comfort fix!

Hot Cocoa Recipe:
I know hot cocoa can be a little bit bitter sometimes, but here is what I do to make it simply delicious. 

You will need:

- Half cup of boiling water
- Half cup of almond milk (warmed in the microwave)
- 1 tbsp of cocoa powder
- 1 tea spoon of honey

*Mix the cocoa powder in with your half cup of boiling water and mix until dissolved. Pour in one half cup of warmed almond/coconut milk. Traditionally cocoa calls for just warm milk, but mixing with half water is a healthier choice and helps the powder dissolve! Add one teaspoon of honey to taste. A better alternative to sugar. Enjoy!*

Coffee Latte

You will need

- One brewed cup of your favourite coffee
- A small teaspoon of coconut oil
- A few ounces of almond/coconut milk

*I know it sounds bizarre, but if you brew your coffee and then BLEND it (in a blender/bullet) with a small tea spoon of coconut oil it will give you the frothy consistency of a latte. Once blended for a few seconds, pour back into your hipster artsy coffee mug with a motivational message on it (I am building my collection!!!) It will also give you a serving of healthy fats. Coconut oil has exceptional health benefits. Add your milk and sprinkle some cinnamon and cocoa powder for that Starbucks feel!

Let me know how these recipes work for you! From one coffee addict to another,

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