Tuesday 24 February 2015

Falling Into Ruts: Nip 'Em in the Bud!

Last week, I did something I haven't done in at least 6 months. I, exercise addict/carb queen, took a serious BREAK... from working out.


Okay for real, I don't know if it was the cold weather, the weekend of binge cheating or the fact that I was going through some strange relationship stuff that allowed me to give up my mojo for SEVEN DAYS... but it happened. Bare in mind, my fitness journey, though I didn't start seeing progressive continuous results until about 5 months ago, has actually been going on for about two years. But within those two years, and particularly at the beginning, 7 day workout breaks were pretty frequent. ESPECIALLY when I'm testing a program, I to my very best to not let this happen. At the least I am working out 4-5 days a week, but would prefer 6/7 (usually I do an active recovery day - low impact stretching). 

Nevertheless, last week, IT WENT DOWN. And you know what? It happens to the best of us. I've come into contact with fitness addicts, body builders, yoga instructors, die-hard athletes... you name it. At one point or another, everyone loses their motivation. So if that's you right now, my first tip for you would be BLESS AND RELEASE. It's OKAY. Your progress is not DEMOLISHED. You're just going through a little rough patch! My second piece of advice, would be, try your HARDEST TO NOT LET YOUR RUT LAST FOR TOO LONG!!! Honestly, folks. The longer you wait the harder it is. And for this girl, seven days of NO WORKING OUT AT ALL was too damn long. So I decided to write about it.

I'm going to give you my top 5 reasons why you should NOT give into your excuses/top five things you WILL experience during your no workout phase. These come directly from my personal experience last week. Hopefully this will be some tough love and a nice wakeup call for myself and all of you.

1. You. Will. NOT. Be. Productive.

(Or at least as productive as you could be.)

A fit body helps a fit mind and spirit. So last week, when I wasn't working out, I was also VERY unproductive. I did not read personal development. My business was lacking. I did NOT post a YouTube video (for the first time this year!) because I didn't have the energy to film and edit.  I took a nap EVERY day. And I spent almost all of my spare time in front of the TV. I didn't get to 90% of the things on my to do list, and all of this set me back. By NO means am I saying its wrong to take a step back and take a BREAK (because Lord knows I probably needed it!) but I don't think exercising is one of the things you should sacrifice! Sitting in front of the TV, contrary to popular belief, is NOT winding down. Your brain is exceptionally active when you are using and viewing electronics. If you are going to be unproductive or lazy, do it in a productive way. (Haha. WHAT!?).  

2. You Will Be Tired

And I mean REALLY tired. Last week I was drunk with tiredness. The post workout high is way more effective than caffeine, in my opinion. I also drank a lot more coffee last week than I have been as of late.  Depending on two coffees is a habit I'm desperately trying to break! Ergo, not working out = less energy = more coffee = not sticking to resolutions = unhappy girl.

3. You will be SORE. 

I don't know if its general because I stopped working out, or specifically because the working out I have been doing for the past 6 weeks is solely yoga and pilates... but one of the reasons I was so tired last week was because I was not sleeping sound. I woke up in the middle of the night at least 4 times every night due to soreness. I really think its because my body was so used to getting a nice stretch and release everyday... to just abruptly DENY that really made my shoulders go haywire. It was NOT fun.

4. It will take a toll on your mental state.

No, it wasn't that time of the month. But I generally felt more SAD last week and I couldn't pinpoint why. I got into two emotional discussions with two of my dear friends. I became a super close friend with self-doubt (my old pal). AND... I got physical symptoms. I broke out, was very bloated... pretty much if you google "physical symptoms of stress" I had it. My body reacts to stress VERY physically, which blows. Remember dudes, Elle Woods said it - exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands

5. It will become increasingly difficult to get back on track.

Not necessarily get back into the GROOVE of working out, because I KNOW and have faith that you and I will always get it back. But I just mean, when you DO workout again, after taking a break, though it might feel great, it might be hard. I did a body sculpt workout on monday, my first official day back, and it was a lot harder to flow through the movements. My posture was off, I was sore.... I was VERY lightheaded, I took a LOT of breaks. And by all means, go at your own pace. But be aware that if this happens when you aren't very FAR into your journey, you COULD end up getting so discouraged that you just throw the towel in with your whole regime - and that would be so unfortunate! And I don't say that for any other reason than thats what happened to me, when I first attempted Insanity two years ago. The trick is to not let your minor setback get the best of of you! To grit your teeth and keep going.


1. Meal prep (remember, diet is the most important)
2. Take it slow, and don't get discouraged if you're not as up to par as you were the week before. 
3. Get a success partner, or better yet, get a COACH (wink wink!) Someone who you can talk to about your struggles and help you feel less alone.
4. CELEBRATE. YOUR. SUCCESS. Sometimes its important to dig through your before and after photos (which you should TOTALLY take if you haven't already!) and acknowledge the progress you have already made. NOTHING can stop you. Remember, this is a JOURNEY. And there really is no bright shiny finish line. You will learn to love the process. I'm still learning, thats for sure!
5. SLOW workout is better than NO workout. Don't forget that. So on a day that you wake up feeling groggy or sick or just unmotivated, a 15 minute walk outside or some squats or pushups spontaneously, just to get your heart rate up a smudge is better than nothing! On days where you don't feel like you have pushed yourself enough, congratulate yourself for the small step you made!

Needless to say, I will try my hardest to not let a rut last as long as seven days every again - especially when theres no legitimate reason for it! WORK for what you want. even on days when you can't remember why you want it! Remember, life is about balance, and sometimes your fitness journey will have a natural ebb and flow to it. But keep that hunger!

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