Sunday 28 June 2015

21 Day Fix Review

Well, well, WELL.

What can I say about the 21 Day Fix? Besides the fact that it is totally UNBELIEVABLE!? If you are unfamiliar with it, the 21 Day Fix is a fitness program designed and created by fitness expert and cutie-pa-tootie Autumn Calabrese. The jist of it is simple - portion control, meal prep, and 30 minute work outs. Now, if you're familiar with my page, you know that I tried a few different work out programs before this. Insanity, Jillian Michaels, Zumba/yoga classes, gym membership. And while all of those were excellent for EXERCISE guidelines, every meal plan that came with it kinda got tossed to the side. No one wants to read a book full of recipes when they're just starting out - ain't nobody got time for that! So when I heard about the fix, I KNEW I had to try to to up my discipline with food. I SCREAMED when I got the package, and tore it open.

The Meal Plan 

The thing is, if you aren't TRYING to eat even moderately healthy while you are working out, you're almost wasting your time! That is the harsh truth of it. So Autumns program is perfectly designed for people like me, who don't know how to calorie count, who don't wanna spend endless amounts of time reading through ingredients and counting macros!

My saving grace for this program... COLOURED CONTAINERS. HELLO!? First of all, simple, but totally effective. Secondly, who doesn't want a bunch of really cute and colourful tupperware!? AM I RIGHT? Here is a breakdown of the containers that you get with your package.

1. Fruits
2. Veggies
3. Proteins
4. Carbs
5. Healthy Fats
6. Seeds and oils

The beauty of it is, not only does her nutrition guide tell you what to PUT in the containers (and there are tons of great options), it also tells you how many of each one you're allowed to eat per day! Easy, no? Even more...the containers act as your measurement. Who wants to sit around measuring ounces of cheese? SCREW THAT. If if fits in the container, go nuts!

The thing that I love about the fix meal plan, is that it really isn't strenuous or difficult to follow. There are tons of options, and it's not really a DIET. The word diet tends to scare people off. This isn't all that restricting folks. You're not going gluten free, or fat free, or dairy free, or whatever free! Just making quick and easy healthy food choices based on what you're allotted for the day - and trust me, after the first day or two, it's MORE than enough food.

Final selling point for me about this meal plan - Autumn understands that we're all human. And at certain points, we all get cravings (though Shakeology can help with that). So Autumn even gives you back up plans in case you want to have a cheat snack! It's simple. You want a 4oz glass of wine? No problem! She just might ask you to substitute that for one of your carbs that day. Have a chicken salad rather than chicken and quinoa. Bada bing bada boom - little harm done. She even has a recipe list of treats that people can make if they are jonesing for something sweet, or want to go eat out. It doesn't get much better than this!

The Work Outs

It's a half an hour. You spend more time contemplating working out, than you actually do working out! It could be different for everyone, but my honest review is that the workouts aren't EXTREMELY difficult. I remember doing the first fifteen minutes of Insanity and thinking I was gonna either throw up or pass out. Autumn keeps the work outs CHALLENGING, and you WILL get sweaty, but you can absolutely take them at your own pace. It all depends on the heaviness of your weights and whether or not you want to modify some of the moves - either way, if you push yourself, you'll see results! Not only that, but I got my mum to do them with me! She was so cute waking up with me in the morning. And she followed the 21 Day Fix Modifier (Kat) the whole time. I honestly think the woman doing the modification makes the 21 Day Fix that much more enjoyable. She may not be a tiny bikini model, but she's there, everyday getting 'er done! And that's wonderful. Sometimes, when you get a workout DVD, or go to the gym, you feel intimidated and almost put off because you're surrounded by people that are totally shredded. Even though you KNOW that those people worked their tails off to get those results, theres still that small feeling of bitterness, thinking that you will never get there, right? The people working out in the 21 day fix DVDS aren't all parading around all the time in tiny shorts/with their shirts off. It's little things like that that make this program such an awesome motivation for people just starting out, or for people who have been working out for years! That everyone is on their OWN journey.

Eesh. I'm rambling. Lastly, Autumn targets different muscle groups and focuses on isolating specific parts of the body for each work out, that way you never get bored. Cardio with weights, upper fix, lower fix, pilates, yoga, cardio without weights - YOU NAME IT, it's all in here! Plus, she gives you a little bit of insight as to how to weight train. It may just be with dumbells, but I can tell you right now I didn't know what a bent over row was until I started with this! These are all things you will learn.

Anyways, if you want more info, and to not read my LONG WINDED but super honest endorsement of this AWESOME life changing program. Just watch the video here. Please, please PLEASE. Follow me on instagram and message me if you have any questions, or if you want me to be your free coach, and we can get down to the nitty gritty even more! 

My 21 Day Fix Results with Shakeology after only 2 and a half WEEKS.

Many inches lost!

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