Sunday 28 June 2015

Certified Insane

Now, you know I couldn't design a fitness blog without talking about my first love. It is probably the hardest workout you'll ever do, but I can tell you, you will feel like a MILLION BUCKS after doing it, Every. Damn. Time. Shaun T will always be my favourite trainer. He is so motivating, he pushes you so much to DIG DEEPER, and truly believes that anyone can get their body to do amazing things if they put the work in and are ready to get sweaty! And that definitely shows in the 8-week program Insanity. In fact, if you do Insanity for 8 weeks, you'll probably get a a year's worth of results, and I'm not playing! This is NOT a game folks, this program will kick your ass, but it's the creme of the crop!

So, I started Insanity full on back in September of 2012, and I'll be the first to admit, I actually didn't finish it. What's even worse? I had TWO WEEKS LEFT. And it wasn't because I couldn't do the work. In fact, by the home stretch I could do power jumps and oblique pushups like a friggin champ. But I was graduating university, and as the second month of Insanity comes, the workouts do get a bit longer. I couldn't justify taking over an hour out of my study/rehearsal time (I was a theatre student) to work out, shower, blah blah blah. So I took a couple weeks off for exams, and when I tried to pick up from where I started, it was INSANELY hard. I became less motivated because I was frustrated with myself for getting tired or take more breaks, when two weeks ago I was kicking the program in the face. So unfortunately, my consistency with Insanity fizzled out.

NONETHELESS.... it will always be my number one program, Shaun T will always be my number one fitspiration, and I am hoping in the next few months I will do Insanity again with flying colours. 

Here are my results after completing only the first month of Insanity. I wish I had taken more pictures after the next two weeks!

Excuse my crappy webcam quality and sweaty post work out faces :) I lost approximately ten pounds and went down 2 pant sizes after just the first month :)

Get prepared for a whole lot of plyo. The workout focuses on MAX interval training. You push your body as much as you can, to the max, for three minutes. And instead of slowing down, you stop completely for a 30 second-minute break. Then, you do it all over again, alternating moves and going through two - three circuits three times each. You are literally outsmarting and confusing your muscles so much, it's a total rush. Not only that, you're targeting multiple muscle groups at once. That means, more calories burned, and more fantastic results for that body you're working so hard on!

The other great thing about Insanity, is that there is no equipment involved. It's you and your body, and using your own body weight for resistance, which kinda makes you feel like a master of your soul for 45 minutes! People still say this is the hardest work out every put on DVD. But, that by NO means, means that you CAN'T do it, even if you're a beginner. I started Insanity not knowing how to do one pushup and getting tired from running up the stairs. And NEARLY (had it not been for school and my own excuses) finished it without any injury. That's another thing I wanted to point out. If your joints aren't completely savvy or you have a history of injury when doing super athletic things, maybe start with something different. FORM IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. And there is a lot of plyo and jumping around in Insanity, which can be hard on the knees. 

Here are some even more INSANE results! While I was doing this, my friend Steve was as well, and he actually finished the program. And when I say finished, I mean totally and COMPLETELY nailed it. 

"It was literally the most painful 9 weeks of my life. I ended up losing over 20 pounds, dropped 3 jean sizes, and I'm currently sitting at a measly 10% body fat!" - Steve

So there you have it! If you want to embark on your Insanity journey, message or comment me for tips! Stay calm, breathe in, and most importantly, DIG DEEPER. 

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