Sunday 28 June 2015

Enter a Muscles With Meags Challenge

I'm SO excited that you clicked this page. Hear me out!


Are you ready to make a change in your life for the better? I'd like to believe that you came to my page for a reason. Maybe that reason is so that we could push and challenge each other! Look, I'm no fitness guru or expert. In fact, over the past few years, I've spent more time saying I'd get in shape for "bikini season" or "lose that last 15 pounds" and then giving up than actually sticking to my guns and getting it done! After joining a challenge group, I'm thinking maybe the thing I have been lacking is an INTRINSIC motivation to get fit! 

Let me go all teacher on you for a second. There are two kinds of motivation. Intrinsic, and extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is the motivation that we strive to have so that we can get rewards, or outward results. For example, you study hard to get a good grade. You work really hard at your job so you can afford a new car. You get in shape so you can have a rockin' bod. And those things are great! Why shouldn't you be motivated by those things? However, if you join my challenge, I want us to get to a point where we motivate each other in an INTRINSIC way. Motivation that comes from and is a pure result of what you feel within. You study hard so that you can learn more, because education is important. You work really hard so that you can be continually financially stable, so that you can execute transferable skills, and be GOOD at them. You work out so that you can feel great. So that you can push your body to limits that you never thought and so that you can USE this unbelievable vessel in the way that it was meant to be used! You can do SO much more than you think you can, and after eating clean and working out these past several months, I realize the human body wasn't meant to just sit around and wait for things to happen!

The thing is, I too am still in the phase of wanting extrinsic value. I want a hot body! I want to forget about my insecurities and feel like a million bucks at all times in whatever I wear. This is where you come in. You'd be surprised just how much having someone hold me accountable has changed my fitness journey. It makes it more fun, being able to check in with someone, getting tips and advice without feeling judged. We push each other to our limits. And I personally, am not asking for a dime of your money. I'm not a personal trainer. I'm not certified to go into a gym and teach a booty blasting class. I'm just a girl who wants to help people like me realize their potential, and want people to join me on this awesome journey so we can do it together! Like what you read so far? Let's get into the nitty gritty then!


The Bombshell Challenge is a 21 day/ 3 week challenge group dedicated to getting you fit, toned, and reaching your personal goals. I'm not going to chase you down, but I will hold you accountable because that's what a good coach does! It's held in a private Facebook group where you will post daily--we have FUN and engaging activities to keep you on track and focused! We will talk about nutrition, recipes, goals, focus management, fitness tips and advice, my personal meal plan, my favorite workouts, and MUCH more! Not only ALL that, but you have a chance to bond with other women with similar goals who are in the trenches with you. Real support and real people, all we need is YOU!

How long are the challenges?

The first 21 days are open to any registered customer with a Beachbody workout program. Shakeology is NOT required in the first 21 days but is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Why? Let me ask you this, how bad do you want those results? How bad do you want to feel better? Have more natural energy (all you busy mamas and 9-5ers and college gals)? What would you do if money wasn't an option? Stop looking at fitness and health as an expense, but an INVESTMENT! 

After the 21 days, if you decide to continue Shakeology or purchase it through me, you are encouraged and welcome to stay in our accountability group and we will continue to have weekly one on one check ins (where you will send me your accountability photos weekly, along with a food log, and your goals for the week)! After the 21 days, the group becomes exclusive to Shakeology challengers only. Standards must be set and met, so goals can be reached and accomplished. You won't regret it, plus it tastes like a slice of heaven with elite nutrition.

How can I join?

You may join by emailing me at so that we can chat about your goals and get you all set up!

If you are already ready to take the plunge, and you and I have already chatted,  CLICK HERE. But definitely comment on this blog, or get in touch with me first :)

So excited to begin our journey together!

xo M

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