Saturday 27 June 2015

Exercise Obsession and Getting to Your Goals

Staying consistent with exercise can be difficult sometimes!

It certainly is for me.

I have an obsessive personality - in the way that I'm either COMPLETELY infatuated with an idea, or completely bored with one. For real, this is totally me:

So naturally, if I don't keep my exercising routine new and exciting - slowly my brain light switch will turn off. Exercise commitment is a natural ebb and flow - and I'm actively and consciously working to make it a non-negotiable part of my day! 

Public accountability really helps me with that. Now so far, I've experimented with attending the gym, weekly zumba classes, group yoga, etc. At home workout programs thus far have excited me the most because I know exactly what I'm working towards and in what time frame I hope to work towards it in. But even those can sometimes get boring!
Which is why I choose to switch it up constantly.

You know that I have now completed PiYo, Insanity, T25, and the 21 Day Fix. I've started other programs and left them unfinished because the switch started to turn off. Perhaps my most miraculous transformation was when I stuck out the 21 Day Fix - I paid CLOSE attention to my nutrition. 

But over the last few months, for a variety of reasons my passion for exercise and nutrition started to feel like more of a chore than a privilege. And that was really getting on my nerves. 

To be honest, I think my issue was that I became too obsessed with the aesthetics of working out. It's not hard to fall into that. More than half of the accounts I follow on instagram hashtag the importance of aesthetics, and put an emphasis on the value of #aestheticsovereverything. Really? Aestheitcs over generosity? Aesthetics over patience? Aesthetics over intelligence or curiosity? It works for some people, not not really for a gal like me.

I need to stop following those people. The ones who don't talk about the process. The ones who unconsciously put other people down by confirming that certain people will never be as "swole" as them... They aren't doing anything for me. 

I mean, luckily for me Ive never fallen victim to obsessive exercising or an eating disorder. But it's a problem for me to think my stomach is too chubby when I can't even fit into extra small sizes at Forever 21 because they are too loose. Cool your fackin jets, Meags. Who are you doing this for?

But with all of these thoughts came negative feelings about the practise of working out in general, which i'm NOT down for! Exercising and my transformation has done AMAZING things for my life.
So it is imperative for me to get back on the horse and STICK OUT a workout program or exercise regime for at least a few weeks. I have been slacking hard lately and really don't want all of my results and goals to fall to the wayside. 


1. Building Muscle on my legs and butt

2. Losing a few inches on my tummy

3. Keeping my weight anywhere between 110 - 120lbs *I'm only 5'1 so I feel as though this is reasonable!*

I won't lie to you. These are the goals that I have wanted to achieve for more than a year now. But when I make everything totally physical, I lose motivation. 

I choose not to be that girl who takes measurements of every body part once a week or comes up with new and innovative ways to drop my water weight. I admire those that do, I just don't have the heart for it. 

I want to feel and look good, and confident. I want to wear body con dresses and crop tops with ease, but not to the point where I'm beating myself up over every mishap, which was starting to happen! On the contrary, I also don't want to get so caught up in that "I DONT GIVE A FACK" attitude that I allow myself to devour anything that I want - because to me, that's not healthy either. When my pendulum swings, it swings far! Do you ever experience this?

Therefore, here are my before pictures. I just started the 21 Day Fix Extreme. 7 workouts per week, and a very articulate meal guide. I have had one cheat meal this week and missed my exercises twice. Unlike me, but exercising five days a week is NOT  something to be disappointed by. Its a huge accomplishment!

Here are my official "befores".

Weight unknown. Inches unknown. We'll see how well I do at the end of this three weeks :)

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